Hey there, Disney Fans! I don’t know about you, but I am missing Disney World right now. We may not be able to visit the most magical place on earth. However, we can relive our experiences through our pictures. Today, I want to share the 4×6 mini-album I created for documenting short trips to Disney. The 4×6 size is also perfect for creating a decor album to leave out at the office or on a bookshelf at the house.

For this album, I used the Say Cheese 3 collection from Simple Stories. While this collection features the traditional Disney colors of black, red, and yellow, it has a vintage vibe to it. The red and yellow colors have a little bit of a darker tone. Think cranberry and mustard as opposed to fire engines and sunshine). To maintain the vintage vibe, I used Hickory Smoke Distress Ink on all of the papers in this 4×6 mini-album.

Although the album is on the smaller size, I was able to pack in a lot of photos using photo flips. Photo flips are available in a variety of sizes, including 3×4, 4×4, and 4×6. They allow you to add more photos to pocket style spreads and are easy to use. All you have to do it peel off the adhesive backing and attach the photo flip to the page protector. You may have to re-punch the holes in the page protector, but that is easy to do with a traditional hole punch.

Another way I fit extra photos into the Magical Memories 4×6 mini-album is my creating my own flip books using scored cardstock. If I am placing my “flip book” into a 3×4 pocket, I cut a piece of cardstock to 3×8.25 inches. Then I fold the card in half. Half the card goes into the page protector and the other half folds over, so that people can open up the card and see the hidden pictures.

If you find yourself with more time at home and less time to travel, that’s okay. You can reminisce your past Disney adventures by creating a scrapbook about your trip. We have several kits available in the shop that are perfect for documenting all of those magical moments. Each kit includes lots of photo flips and homemade flip books to stretch photo space.
Until next time,
**This page may contain affiliate links to product I believe in and use, which means that even though it doesn’t cost you anything extra, I may receive a small amount of compensation from the sale of these items. Your support helps me to keep bringing you new projects, kits & content. Thank you!
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[…] the Disney mini-album I shared with you last week, I used photo flips to add in a few extra photos. In this example, I […]
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